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更新时间:2024-06-10 19:10:36
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1. Kofi A. Annan的翻译

1. Members of the Company has the simultaneous interpretation for the party and state leaders, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan Kofi A.
本公司的同声传译员先后为党和国家领导人、联合国秘书长科菲。安南 Kofi A。

2. Kofi A. Annan的解释

2. Knowing the importance of keeping harmonious relationship with the society, the Company has always placed emphasis on the responsibility for the society ever since its foundation. In October 2004, Mr. Wei Jiafu, President of the COSCO Group met with Kofi A. Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations; posing the idea that COSCO would like to perform the responsibility of the Company for the society on the basis of the UN and to contribute to the general construction of a moderately prosperous society. The COSCO Container Lines would like to support the targets of the UN on the respects of improving the human rights, the labor standards and the environment protection. In November 2004, the Declaration on Joining the Global Compact was delivered to the UN and the Company officially joined the Global Compact of the UN.

But talks ahead of the meeting in Geneva on Saturday, which will be convened by Syria special envoy Kofi Annan, haven't yielded any a GREement on a process for a leadership change, these people said.(叙利亚问题特使安南(KofiAnnan)周六将在日内瓦主持召开这次会议。但上述这些知情人士说,会议前的谈判并没有就叙利亚领导层变更的程序达成一致。)
To mangrove support group: you are doing a courageous and important work. we admire what you have achieved, and your determination to help others. Kofi Annan.(给红树林:你们正在做的是一件勇敢和重要的工作,我们钦佩你们已经取得的成功,以及帮助别人的志向。——科菲·安南。)
The decision was the clearest sign yet that a peace plan brokered by international envoy Kofi Annan has collapsed.(暂停执行任务的决定清楚表明,国际特使安南斡旋达成的和平计划已经失败。)
Kofi A. Annan是什么意思 Kofi A. Annan在线翻译 Kofi A. Annan什么意思 Kofi A. Annan的意思 Kofi A. Annan的翻译 Kofi A. Annan的解释 Kofi A. Annan的发音 Kofi A. Annan的同义词